G5® Massagers are designed to incorporate machine-assisted massage therapy into Physio and Chiropractic therapy procedures They help you to manipulate the soft tissues as well as working to enhance local and general circulation of the blood and lymphatic fluids
Deep muscular massage with AP216 Four Ball
Precise stimulation of painful trigger points with AP222 Blunt Tip
Heavy pressure massage with AP223 Two Ball
Recovery massage with AP229 Large Firm Rubber
Lymphatic drainage with AP230 Curved Spounge
Precise stimulation of painful trigger points with AP227 Pointed Tip
The perfect modality for working on male clients to provide deep muscle massage and trigger-point therapy, G5® Therapeutic Massagers allow the therapist to work deeper and longer, without strain or fatigue. G5® lines of professional massage equipment are the only systems in the world which provide powerful Directional-Stroking® percussive massage. This unique therapeutic action simultaneously delivers perpendicular and horizontal forces, to relax muscles and mobilize lactic acid build-up.
Safe, effective and tangible results come from the powerful mechanical motion that penetrates far below the surface.
For the patient
Soft tissue injuries
Muscle spasms
Pressure sores
Detox and lymphatic drainage
Reduces Oedema
Continuous passive motion
Pain relieving
Comfortable for the patient
Increases circulation
Trigger point therapy
For the operator
Reduces fatigue to hands, arms and body
Offers a wide assortment of applicators for specific chiropractic procedures