
Respiratory Therapy

Mark Stuckwish, Cardiopulmonary R.R.T. Manager illustrates how the G5® Line of Professional Massagers & Percussors are used in Respiratory Therapy and why they are an excellent choice for any respiratory therapists around the world.

Cellulite Reduction and
Lymphatic Drainage (part. 1)

G5 Massagers are FDA approved for use in the temporary reduction of the appearance of Cellulite. In this video you will see how the G5® mechanical massager can add a wide array of new body care, aesthetics and spa treatments to your services.

Cellulite Reduction and
Lymphatic Drainage (part. 2)

In this video we show how the G5 Massager can be used for Cellulite Reduction; Exfoliation; Detoxification; Lymphatic Drainage; Trigger Point Therapy; Reflexology; Therapeutic and Relaxation Massage.

Physio & Sport Therapy

Dr. John Tessier, Orthopedic Surgeon explains why the G5® Electro-mechanical Massagers are an excellent choice for Physio Therapy and why they are so largely used by chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and athletic trainers.

Health and Well-Being

In this video Dr. Walker explains how she has effectively used the G5® Massage Machines in her practice for anti-ageing, muscle pain, circulatory issues and to improve general health and well-being.

Physio and Respiratory Therapy

The ‘G5 GK3 Essential‘ is an excellent choice for physiotherapy and respiratory therapy used by therapists and physicians world-wide.

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